I'm going to portray a story through the use of photography and graphic mediums. That's probably the only part I have covered at the moment (besides my developing story) and is the only thing not changing. Production for my novel seems to be the only part I naturally know how to accomplish. The "writing" part, that's another story! No pun intended.
I hate writing, hence the use of images to portray my story to lighten up my load, but what good is a graphic novel without effective dialogue and background premise? I think I may have given myself a project to big to handle, but not to big to accomplish. I have a lot of work to do to hone my skills as a writer, translate whats in my head and have effective dialogue with epic photographs as a backdrop.
I started my research to give some backbone to my story and fill my head with ideas to jump start my comic world coming together.
I went to Borders today and picked up this book called "A Brief History of Everything" by Ken Wilbur. If you are open to theories of human consciousness, I definitely recommend this book. This book came highly recommended by roommate to give me some ideas to contextualize my story as he felt my ideas are still rough. Not that I didn't agree, but that opened a flood of theories and ideas to incorporate in my story to give some back bone.
As my story becomes more developed, I'll be posting more details so you get a better understanding, and, hopefully, be intrigued and get excited for the finished project as much as I am.
I'll continue to keep posted on my research and new ideas.
The picture below is a prototype backdrop one of my scenes I have in mind.

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